"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" represents a fun children novel with many modern fairytale characteristics. There are many surreal elements in this book and as in any other fairytale nobility and kindness are rewarded. In the center of the story are Charlie and 4 other kids who represent the worse human flaws. … [Read more...] about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl was a famous British author that got popular with his many works. He was born in 1916 in Wales.
He had an exciting and interesting life. He spent most of his youth in Africa in an oil company. In the 2. World War he was a British volunteer and he crashed in the middle of the desert. He survived thanks to 8 operations.
He is one of the most interesting children author and wrote many book that were screen adapted.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was sold in 13 million copies.
One of his books even inspired Walt Disney to make a cartoon about little gremlins that destroyed airplane motors.
Roald Dahl is considered to be one of the greatest children writer who used to be criticized about his harsh humor. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is one of his most famous works. He died in 1990.